Everyone is talking about smart city solutions and their benefits, but barely anyone is able to drive the implementation of them in their cities. The Enabling Smarter Cities (ESCs) project has the aim to provide different types of actors with the understanding they need to have about these solutions in order to take justified decisions and actions to drive these solutions forward.

ESCs consists of a series of modules. The modules shall address each actor's needs and be provided in a way that is compatible to their daily jobs. Practitioners shall have hands-on experiences while decision makers shall understand the value of such solutions. 

Based upon the work of the CKIC Project Enabling Smarter Cities and the input of experts from this area it has been identified that there are a number of key areas that need to be addressed to enable smart city solutions. First of all there is a need to have an understanding of the different smart city solutions and how these can be implemented. These are found in the domains of Sensoring, Complex System Analytics and in the Visualisation and Interaction with City Data. And then there are enabler of systemic change that need to be addressed if smart city solutions shall be implemented. These are Governance for Smart Cities and Interoperability of Data. 

Derived from these areas we propose a suite of modules that shall provide key decision-makers with awareness on the importance and needs of these areas, and experts who (shall) work with these future solutions with the skills and tools to make them happen. The modules for decision-makers are also of relevance for providers of smart city solutions as they will better understand the internal municipal processes involved in the implementation and operation of such solutions.

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