You are Joseph Hintertupfer, but your friends normally call you “Sepp” or “Hintadupfa” as it is custom in Bavaria. You are a student (13th semester philosophy) enjoying your life doing nothing of value. Especially now you celebrate your decision to move to Munich 6 years ago. It is the best time of the year again - Oktoberfest time. As every year, you had a bet with your friends: The last one that arrives at the Wiesn has to pay everything, that the others consumed by then. This should keep even the laziest student on its toes. Unfortunately, you are already thirty minutes late. You thought it was C.T. after all…. Your friends meanwhile enjoy their free drinks, who could reproach them? Your main goal now is to do damage control: Arrive at the Oktoberfest as fast as you can, before your friends have emptied your wallet.

Deliverables - Project Notebook

Chapter 1 Proposal

Chapter 2 Prototype

Chapter 3 Interims

Chapter 4 Playtesting

Chapter 5 Final Presetation




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