By Alexander Müller, Maximilian Mayer, Jan-Philipp Fahlbusch and Lukas Goll

Pressured by vanishing resources and a dying sun, mankind put their fate into the hands of their creation: Masterminds of artificial intelligence, capable of perfect rational decision making.
The discovery of a planet with the requirements for life, as well as similar properties to earth sparks the torch of hope. With different ethnological ideas and believes concurring between
the factions of the homeplanet, a space race begins with the goal to build the first giant vessel for safe passage. Its manufacture will take a lot of resources from multiple planets of the system.
Only with the help of their artificial leader, people will be able to complete this journey before it is to late.

Come and join us in this multi planetary strategic game and secure your survival!

Final Compiled Game:

Link to source code (private and access needs to be granted):


Final Project Structure Document

Formal Game Proposal (1.Milestone)

Game Prototype (2. Milestone)

Interim Report (3. Milestone)

Alpha Release (4. Milestone)

Playtesting (5. Milestone)

Conclusion (6. Milestone)

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12 Kommentare

  1. Unbekannter Benutzer (ga65vej) sagt:

    What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

    I love the 3D- Basebuilding on an Hex-Grid. Using the problem with the pentagons as gameplay element is a smart step.

    What is your least favorite aspect? Why?

    The multi-planetary scenario. I think the impact on Gameplay is to little to justify early implementation.

    Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

    Push back the multiplanetary part and focus on AI and very solid single-Planet gameplay.

  2. Unbekannter Benutzer (ga97lul) sagt:

    What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

    It feels like one of the better tabletop games (Settlers of Catan, other worker-placement titles...) , and seems to have lots of possible strategic depth, without being overloaded with many different gameplay mechanics.

    What is your least favorite aspect? Why?

    I think the procedural planet generation has been done too many times before, and even a novel approach would not make it very much interesting anymore.

    Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

    I think the procedural planets will become more interesting if you really need to find different planets to get the right resources for your goal. I'm thinking of oldschool browser games like Ogame where e.g. the distance to the sun affected the energy production on the planet, but planets close to a star would be smaller on average, therefore if you found a big planet close to a star you would start to compete with other players to colonize / defend it.
    So I really think you need multi-planet PvP (or Player vs. AI) to make the different planets worthwhile.

  3. Unbekannter Benutzer (ga54reh) sagt:

    What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

    The moral dilemmas and decision making that influence the game.

    What is your least favorite aspect? Why?

    As far as I understood, there doesn't seem to be much interaction with the AI opponents except for claiming building areas, especially since combat seems to have a lower priority for you. I feel like this makes them replaceable, like it would be the same as having a timer after which the sun dies and the game is over.

    Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

    Expanding on the decision making aspect (rational behaviour vs being human) could really add depth to the game. During a playthrough you could confront the player with different scenarios presented as simple text (+ maybe one of your beautiful artworks (Zwinkern)), which requires them to make a decision with different consequences. Maybe those scenarios could also include relations to the AI opponents.

  4. Unbekannter Benutzer (ga58kav) sagt:

    What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

    The theme of your game, as in the fact that in a crisis the humans put their hope in the hand of machines. The interactions between the people and the AI who gives them orders could be really interesting, as the player/AI usually chooses the most efficient methods to achieve their goal.

    What is your least favorite aspect? Why?

    The player is travelling to other planets in their solar system and starts building bases there. I understand the reason is to gather new ressources but it seems weird to me building bases on new planets from scratch as your sun is about to explode.

    Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

    Concentrate more on one single big planet and from there you can expand to the bases of your enemies or empty areas on the planet. This would make the whole conflict between the factions more interesting as some materials can only be found in the area of a faction. Otherwise I do not see too much interaction between the factions as they are just building up their bases.

  5. Jan Wagener sagt:

    What is your favourite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

    The idea of the randomly generated planets out of hexagons. I think this predefined structure of the planet surface makes it both easier to do random generation well, as well as 

    What is your least favourite aspect?

    The combat system. I think if you still have time after completing the desirable target you should rather focus on polishing what you have so far than start something new.

    Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

    I'd like to see different types of planets, not just in the resources they have, but in their entire environment and habitat. You'd start on an earth-like planet, that has a rather friendly environment, but also few resources and once you fly to the planets with the good resources, they have venus-like conditions and are really hard to colonize.

  6. Unbekannter Benutzer (ga86lop) sagt:

    What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

    The idea to randomly generate the planets with hexagon tiles, this looks really cool and fitting for your art style.

    What is your least favorite aspect? Why?

    Expanding to other planets and fighting in space while doing so. Your core idea is building up your base on one chosen planet and I think you should focus on that to make this as interesting and fun as possible.

    Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

    Personally, I'd add some sort of fighting right from the beginning (like in AoE) so you can disrupt your enemies, steal their resources etc.

  7. Unbekannter Benutzer (ga87huy) sagt:

    What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

    I think having the maps segmented into hexagons is a great idea and adds to the readability and clear structure of your game.

    What is your least favorite aspect? Why?

    This project seems very ambitious and I fear that it might exceed the scope of the course.

    Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

    For added motivation and investment, I would add some characters to the game story. Only having AIs to interacting with might keep the story a little cold. 

  8. Unbekannter Benutzer (ga97fek) sagt:

    What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

    The escape scenario seems fresh and building on hexagon planets sounds cool and understandable too.

    What is your least favorite aspect? Why?

    Not focused enough yet. Story, solar system simulation, moral dilemmas, strategic building on spheres, space fights... sounds like a bit too much for me, even for a full budget production.

    Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?
    Stronger focus on gameplay. As stated before, it feels like there are too much elements.

  9. Unbekannter Benutzer (ga96faj) sagt:

    What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

    Random hex planets seam really cool.

    What is your least favorite aspect? Why?

    The project seams rather ambitious. I am pretty sure, that you won't be able to pull of all your ideas.

    Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

    Maybe skip the battles. They Don't really fit in. Instead focus on base building.

  10. Unbekannter Benutzer (ga27vax) sagt:

    What is your favourite aspect of the proposed game? Why? 

    I like procedural planet generation

    What is your least favourite aspect? Why?

    The moral dilemma seems a bit forced to the strategy resource-management type of the game, especially if to win (in a competitive environment) you would always have to choose the "effective", "inhuman" option.

    Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

    I've done procedural planet generation before and can definitely recommend this blog post if you haven't found it yourself yet: 

  11. What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

    The hexagon planet generation could be pretty neat and limits the complexity of a single planet in a positive way.

    What is your least favorite aspect? Why?

    The project seems really ambitious. You should probably make sure to keep the recommendation of the course in mind to "make one thing really stand out" and not do too many things. 

    Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

    Yes, multiple planets are cool and I'd love to see that happen, but maybe focus on polishing the gameplay on a single planet first.

  12. What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?

    Having a classic strategy game in which you can build buildings on tiles and manage resources, but all of this on hextiles on a three-dimensional sphere. The idea of having an entire, spherical world is interesting, because this means that the available map which you have to manage doesn't have hard edges that you can't cross.

    What is your least favorite aspect? Why?

    Managing multiple planets when progressing in the game can get very hard to keep track of, therefore I'm not a fan of the possibility to build more bases and expand on other planets. I think the player will become overwhelmed with this quickly.

    Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?

    I'd suggest that you should only be able to build a single, proper base on your home planet. Travelling to other planets could be a way to gain resources, however these resources should only be able to be gathered once - meaning other planets can be "used up". This would solve the problem of having to manage multiple bases.