Trainer: Dr. Iris Köhler

Max. 12 participants


Data show that 31% of vacancies are filled through personal network contacts, while internet job portals only make up 15% . However, the importance of professional networking is often underestimated by young scientists, or it is negatively associated with e.g. favoritism. This workshop is designed to create awareness for the importance of networking for young scientists. Together we will explore best practices & the use of online platforms like LinkedIn and course participants plan their own networking activities, which will already by put into practice during the workshop.

The following topics are covered in the workshop:
- Introduction: What is networking and why is it important? Facts and figures about the job market; Networking vs. favoritism;
- Analysis of participants‘ own networks and their networking competency: Who is in my network? How do I maintain my network? What strategies do I use for networking?
- Networking „my way“: Introversion vs. extroversion? What are my individual networking preferences?
- Networking Best Practices: How can I expand my network (methods, tools, technical solutions)? How can I increase my visibility (online- and offline)? Do’s and Dont’s of networking;
- Networking and the job search on LinkedIn: What does LinkedIn have to offer? How do I set up a convincing profile? How can I expand my network and look for jobs?
- Next Steps: How am I going to use networking for my future career planning?

About the trainer:

Iris Köhler is a certified career coach and trainer and experienced scientist. She studied agricultural sciences at the Technical University of Munich and received her doctorate there in 2013. After a postdoctoral stay in the United States (2014–2016), she switched to science management and coordinated the graduate school of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig (2017–2019). In 2018, she founded her own coaching and training company “The Scientist Coach”. She knows the challenges that doctoral researchers are facing when it comes to career planning and enjoys helping them to develop their own career path - in or outside academia.

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