
Cynthia Drews
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Christian Eichhorn (@ga73wuj)
Submission Date:[created]


During the Corona crisis, various bottlenecks in the healthcare system were uncovered. The medical staff was overwhelmed by the situation and there were not enough beds for patients. This shortage in medical care could be improved with the introduction of better communication through technological devices such as tablets and smartphones. To achieve this, it is necessary to address the problems in the daily work of the medical staff. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the problems and solve them appropriately using new technologies. This project is about the implementation of an application on technical devices. The implementation is influenced by the analysis of different implementations dealing with similar problems and follows medical guides addressing good nursing practice or proven user interfaces in care. The application must meet the needs of the patients and consider the steps of the care process. The implementation was tested by medical staff to review the approaches to address the issues in their daily work life. Medical staff concluded that it was not very useful for their daily usage, but could serve well in other health care settings for patients with lesser impairments.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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