

Initial team meeting. Discussed what kind of application we were interested in developing.

Tasks for the members:

  • Looking into assets for Unity.
  • Research in AR and considering possible libraries and software we could use for this.


Further research and brainstorming, preparation for the Kickoff meeting.

Tasks for the members:

  • Each member should create a drawing of their own vision of the application.
  • Create slides for Kickoff meeting.


Start working on the desktop version as well as looking into the tracking.

Tasks for the members:

  • Create a document for the initial rules of the game.
  • Setting up an environment in Unity.
  • Research of multi-marking tracking using ubitrack.


Continuing working on the desktop version as well as the tracking.

Tasks for the members:

  • Create basic placeholder meshes in Blender.
  • Create the game play area in Unity.
  • Implementation of multi-marking tracking using ubitrack.


Working on desktop version and tracking.

Tasks for the members:

  • Enable user interaction and initialization of objects.
  • Implement road generation algorithm.


Working on desktop version and tracking.

Tasks for the members:

  • Add building placement algorithm. 
  • Implement sprite generation algorithm.


Getting the desktop version of the game to function in VR.

Tasks for the members:

  • Model better looking meshes for the buildings.
  • Port the game into VR space.
  • Begin looking into marker-tracking using Open-CV.


Continue working on the desktop version as well as modify the existing code to function in VR space.

Tasks for the members:

  • Working on marker-tracking using Open-CV.


Working on game logic and marker-tracking. 

Tasks for the members:

  • Looking into basic game logic for electricity and water supply.
  • Make game space projection onto the real world using a webcam working.
  • Research into using HTC VIVE Pro's external cameras for AR.


Get the game logic functioning and make sure marker-tracking is up and running.

Tasks for the members:

  • Create more assets for buildings.
  • Add player money and income.
  • Improve and finalize game logic regarding electricity and water.
  • Ensure marker-tracking with OpenCV plugin is working.


Working on improvements to game logic and getting a functioning game in AR.

Tasks for the members:

  • Apply Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm to road generation.
  • Ensure buildings are initialized correctly.
  • Add visual resource indicators.
  • Make the game playable in AR.


Adding nice-to-have features and debugging code.

Tasks for the members:

  • Create a start menu.
  • Adding background music and sound effects.


Preparing for Demo Day and final fixes, debugging.


Demo Day.

Demo Day

After the 12-week development time, we presented TableCity on TUM's Demo Day 2020. There, we collected the following feedback.


  • Quite ok, UI improvable
  • "Thumbsup”, Game Logic not 100% comprehensible
  • Requires more instructions in the beginning. Some voice guide?
  • Have defined gameplay goals. Right now it’s too quiet
  • Upgrade Features
  • User liked it, wishes for more complexity and some more UI
  • Needs more feedback (instructions)
  • Good, has some issues with the controls
  • More visual indicators, good controls, wishes for some ability to turn the game plane, game is clearly laid out, also wishes for some kind of range indicator on power plants etc.
  • User wishes for pop-ups for [user] feedback
  • Game plays smoothly, Raycast works well, Unsatisfied by: bugs, no goal, game balance, aesthetics, also wishes for demolish feature
  • Good game
  • Super cool, is fun, some complaints: road building is clunky, [the game] needs some kind of goal, no indicator [for which building] does what
  • Good, issues with his glasses, also wishes for some kind of objective
  • User complains about low camera resolution, bugs. Feature wishes: Buildings over multiple tiles [like city skylines], Missing UI: income, no. of inhabitants, visual feedback for the function each building takes. But otherwise cool concept
  • More functions, some kind of tutorial, e.g. explain the icons, otherwise good.

We summarized the feedbacks into 6 different categories. The resulting chart is seen below.

  • Keine Stichwörter