
Patrick Zimmermann
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:David Plecher (@ne23mux)
Submission Date:[created]


In this thesis presentation a serious game on Homer’s Odyssey is developed. Therefore, related work on the topic of games that deal with Greek mythology, specifically games that that already adapt the Odyssey, are presented an analysed.

Based on those findings, a concept to implement the adventures of Ulysses in the tale is created. Challenges in game design are addressed and a 2D Point-and-Click game with different additional game mechanics regarding motivation and education of players is designed. Players will take control of Ulysses and learn about the challenges on his journey back to his homeland Ithaca by experiencing them on their own.

But the game not only educates users on the adventures of Ulysses and the structure of Homer’s epic himself, but it also tries to create an interest in Greek mythology in general. Additionally, it aims to set the voyage into a realistic perspective and achieve to transfer also geographical knowledge of potential real-world locations of scenes in the Odyssey. In addition to an overview over different levels of the game, one, Ulysses’ encounter with the cyclops Polyphemus, is elaborated in more detail and then implemented. This is followed by an evaluation of a first, rudimental prototype.

The results of a first conducted survey are also presented. The first prototype was a successful proof of the concept and indicated, that the design proposed in this thesis offers a lot of potential that needs to be evaluated in the future.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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